Planning my trip to Mexico for spring break, I am grateful for this chance to revisit after LASIK.
If you have ever gone snorkeling, you know how transporting it feels. It’s as if you have entered another world that’s softer, more graceful, and free. Floating through schools of rainbow fish, you become part of the water world flying among the gliding creatures with ease. Without vision, the experience is far more limited.
Here I was at the end of my trip to Mexico, in a magical inlet at Xel-Ha and I could see little more than colors and shapes. My last contact lens ripped, and I had to leave my glasses in the locker. I certainly couldn’t squint to see things while snorkeling either as the water just rushes right in. I left wishing I could see well without the crutch of glasses or contact lenses. LASIK become my new focus. I should be able to enjoy a trip as much as the next person.
LASIK in Gainesville and Athens, Georgia was my search upon return. When researching LASIK in Gainesville, Georgia, the experience of the surgeon was important to me as well as their availability. I wanted to be sure if there were any complications, I wouldn’t need to drive to Atlanta every day. With LASIK, I wanted to be sure there was someone available to answer my questions, even the next day.
Next item of interest was the cost. I certainly didn’t want any discount LASIK provider. I wanted the best for my eyes. I wanted to be able to speak to my surgeon and know that person would be available in the event of an emergency. I also wanted the best possible outcome. Investing in a seasoned doctor (not one in Med School) who was available throughout the week with excellent equipment, was high on my list. I checked into CareCredit to determine the amount I could finance, while also saving a bit monthly to prepare.
Despite the comments from my naturally perfect eye-sighted husband such as “why risk it?” “I like your glasses.” “It’s a surgery.” I knew I wanted that same freedom he had since birth. Convincing him of the importance of this was as simple as my turning off the windshield wipers during a heavy rainstorm while at a stop light. “This is my vision without glasses. What if I lose them? What if they break? Why should I suffer when I don’t have to?” In that moment I knew he understood. We didn’t have to discuss it again.
Another step on my LASIK journey was making the appointment. While this was the obvious next step it was also the most difficult. I was committing to the procedure on the next level. I knew it was important to me that I felt comfortable at the office with the team as well as with the surgeon. I planned a visit with a few different providers before I made my choice. After my second appointment, I knew they were the ones.
When choosing your provider, make sure that you feel comfortable. Write down your questions, be prepared. You will have a 1-2 hour visit typically with dilation to confirm your prescription. This should be done after being out of your soft contact lense for 1 week minimum, 3 weeks if you wear hard contacts. While this may seem like forever, your perfect vision is worth it! This helps the corneas to return to their natural shape to make sure your LASIK procedure gives you long lasting vision.
Do some homework, this will help you feel far more confident in your LASIK exam and your LASIK provider. Invest in you and get ready to travel with your new eyes. I am so ready to see Xel-Ha with clarity this second time around. You can have that same freedom, too!